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Much as @apostrophecms/express configures Express or @apostrophecms/db makes a connection to MongoDB, the @apostrophecms/uploadfs module creates an instance of the uploadfs module and makes it available to the rest of Apostrophe. The uploadfs module copies files to a web-accessible location and provides a consistent way to get the URLs that correspond to those files. It includes S3-based, Azure-based, GCS-based, and local filesystem-based backends and you may supply others. uploadfs can also resize, crop, and autorotate uploaded images.

An instance of the uploadfs module is available through self.apos.uploadfs. This can be used for custom uploads as long as the existing /attachments and /apos-frontend prefixes are avoided. This is the typical use case. If you really need access to the @apostrophecms/uploadfs module itself in order to obtain a new, separate instance of uploadfs for an unusual application, use self.apos.modules['@apostrophecms/uploadfs'].

Selected Options


These are only selected options. For additional options, see the documentation for the uploadfs npm package. While the uploadfs module handles image manipulation, these image-related options are configured mostly by the attachment module and will be covered by the reference page for that module.

The uploadfs module storage options can be configured in several ways. For the Amazon S3 service you can set the most common options through environment variables. Options that are common to both attachments and assets can be configured through the uploadfs property within the module options in modules/@apostrophecms/uploadfs/index.js. For less common asset storage use cases, like alternative CDN usage for attachments and assets, additional configuration can be passed in the same manner through the modules/@apostrophe/asset/index.js file.

module.exports = {
  options: {
👉🏻  uploadfs: {
      storage: 'local'

The options documentation for this module are split into those that are general storage options and those that are service-specific for local, AWS S3, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Storage. A number of the options are described in greater detail in the official documentation for the specific service and links are provided. If you are using an S3 compatible service, the options provided through the storage: 's3' option are a good starting point and may be sufficient, along with the endpoint option which is needed to point to an alternative provider.

General Storage Options

cdnString || ObjectTakes either a string representing the URL of the CDN, or an object with url and enabled properties.
prefixStringAllows prefixing of static assets that share a single, multisite backend bucket
storageString || ObjectStorage backend specified as string for built-in solutions or an object for custom storage.
tempPathStringDefaults to data/temp/uploadfs relative to the project root. Directory location for creating the temporary folder and files during processing.


If you choose to host assets on a CDN, set the cdn property value to the URL of the CDN. This property can also take an object with two properties - url and enabled. The url property value is the URL of the CDN and enabled takes a boolean which determines if the CDN will be used. This results in Apostrophe outputting URLs that point to the CDN rather than directly to the storage backend. Configuring your CDN of choice to automatically obtain files from your storage backend is your responsibility.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    uploadfs: {
      cdn: {
        url: '',
        enabled: true


This property takes either a string designating one of the built-in storage options to be used, or an object for custom storage needs. Built-in values are azure (Microsoft Azure), gcs (Google Cloud Storage), local (local file storage only), and s3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service). See the s3.js file for an example of creating a custom storage solution.


During processing of files, the uploadfs module first copies them to a temporary location until the pipeline is finished. By default this is set to data/temp/uploadfs by the @apostrophecms/uploadfs module. The tempPath property takes a local directory path for creating the /temp folder that houses these files.

Local Storage Options

disabledFileKeyStringUsed along with the enable and disable methods to rename and obfuscate files to block access.
uploadsPathStringChanges the storage location of uploadfs on the local filesystem from the default public/uploads subdirectory of the project root.
uploadsUrlStringSets the endpoint for asset access. Defaults to /uploads.

Minimal Local Example

module.exports = {
  options: {
    uploadfs: {
      storage: 'local' // this is also the default


This property takes a string (longer is better) and provides an alternative way to make uploaded assets disabled for access when using local storage. Explicitly preventing web access using the disable method blocks local file system access by modifying the file permissions which will lead to problems syncing content with rsync or similiar commands. This can be circumvented by using a string passed to the disabledFileKey property. This value is used with the filename to create an HMAC key hash that is appended to the filename. This is typically sufficient to obfuscate the file name and prevent access. It is recommended that this option be used from the start of the project, but the module exposes a method, migrateToDisabledFileKey, to switch later if desired.


By default, this is set to the /public/uploads directory at the root of your project by the @apostrophecms/uploadfs module. If desired, you can reassign this to a different directory.


By default, this is set to your local apostrophe instance base URL, plus any localization prefix, plus /uploads by the @apostrophecms/uploadfs module. If desired, you can reassign this to a different directory.

S3 Storage Options

The options listed below are ApostropheCMS specific. Any AWS S3-specific options can be passed as options using the properties listed in the AWS SDK documentation. This option is viable for other storage vendors that use S3-compatible methods, like DigitalOcean or Linode.

agentObjectThe Agent object used to perform HTTP requests - passed into the params.httpOptions.
bucketStringSets the bucket name.
contentTypesObjectAdds additional project asset file extensions, without leading '.', as properties with corresponding mimetype as value.
endpointStringSets the endpoint URI to send requests.
httpsBooleanSetting this to true forces https: transfer to the endpoint.
noGzipContentTypesArrayDesignates file types that should not be gzipped and replaces the default list.
addNoGzipContentTypesArrayAdds to the default list of files that should not be gzipped.
regionStringUsed to build a standard AWS endpoint.
styleStringIf set to path it forces path style URLs for S3 objects - the same as passing s3ForcePathStyle: true.
portIntegerSets the port.
secretStringProvides the account secretAccessKey.
keyStringProvides the account accessKeyId.
tokenStringProvides an optional sessionToken.
bucketObjectsACLprivate or read-onlyCan be optionally set to private to prevent public download of the asset.

Also see the (environment variables)[#environmentvariables], which are often sufficient to select and configure S3 without any options in the code.

Minimal S3 Example

module.exports = {
  options: {
    uploadfs: {
      storage: 's3',
      // Get your credentials at
      secret: 'xxx',
      key: 'xxx',
      // Bucket name created on
      bucket: 'bucketname',
      // Region name for endpoint
      region: 'us-east-1'


The storage option should be set to s3 to use the Amazon Web Services S3 or any other S3-compatible service, like DigitalOcean or Linode.


The agent property takes either http.Agent or https.Agent. This value will be used to set the params.httpOptions.agent value for the S3 service object. See the documentation for more details.


The contentTypes property is populated by default with an object taken from the contentTypes.js file of the module. This object has all valid project file extensions as properties and their mimetype as value. Any object supplied to the contentTypes is merged with the existing default object.


The endpoint option allows setting of an endpoint to which to send requests. For the AWS S3 service it is constructed from the region option. However, this option allows for custom URLs for other non-AWS S3-compatible storage services, like DigitalOcean or Linode. This can also be set using an environment variable.


By default, an array of MIME types that should not be gzip compressed is loaded from the /lib/storage/noGzipContentTypes.js file in the uploadfs npm module. If you pass an array through the noGzipContentTypes option it will replace this default list.


Adding an array of MIME types to the addNoGzipContentTypes will result in merging of those MIME types with the existing default array of types that should not be compressed.


The region option is used to pass a specific AWS S3 region to build the endpoint. The allowed values are listed in the official documentation. If you are using a third party S3 provider like DigitalOcean, you should specify endpoint instead. This can also be set using an environment variable.


The secret option is used to pass the value of the secretAccessKey to the AWS.Credentials() credentials object. See the official documentation for alternative ways to present the credentials. This can also be set using an environment variable.


The key option is used to pass the value of the accessKeyId to the AWS.Credentials() credentials object. See the official documentation for alternative ways to present the credentials. This can also be set using an environment variable.


The token option is used to pass the value of the optional sessionToken to the AWS.Credentials() credentials object. See the official documentation for alternative ways to present the credentials.


The bucketObjectsACL option sets the access control level (ACL) for files uploaded to AWS S3, with a default of public-read. If you want to make your S3 bucket private and serve content through the Amazon CloudFront service, you need to set bucketObjectsACL: 'private' to block public access. Additionally, follow the documentation to ensure your bucket is set up with an Origin Access Control correctly, otherwise, CloudFront will not be able to access it.

Azure Storage Options

See the Azure documentation for additional details.

accountStringRequired. Sets the storage account name.
allowedMethodsArrayConfigures CORS allowed methods.
allowedHeadersArrayConfigures CORS allowed headers.
allowedOriginsArrayConfigures CORS allowed origins.
containerStringSets the storage container name.
disabledFileKeyStringRequired. Works along with the enable and disable methods to rename and obfuscate files to block access.
exposedHeadersArrayConfigures the exposure or the CORS response headers.
keyStringRequired. Sets the access key.
maxAgeInSecondsIntegerSets the maximum amount of time the browser should cache the preflight OPTIONS request.
replicateClustersArrayArray of objects to replicate content across a cluster.

Minimal Azure Example

module.exports = {
  options: {
    uploadfs: {
      storage: 'azure',
      account: 'storageAccountName',
      container: 'storageContainerName',
      key: 'accessKey',
      // Always required for Azure
      disabledFileKey: 'a random string of your choosing'


If using Azure as your storage choice, you must always set disabledFileKey option. With Azure, the permissions for a single blob (file) can't be changed, so it must be duplicated and renamed to disable web access.


The storage option should be set to azure to use the Microsoft Azure service.


This required property takes a string (generate a random, secure password of at least 8 characters) and provides a way to make uploaded assets disabled for access. This value is used with the filename to create an HMAC key hash that is appended to the filename. This is typically sufficient to obfuscate the file name and prevent access.


This property takes an array of objects describing individual containers to replicate data across. Each object takes account, container, and key properties.


uploadfs: {
    storage: 'azure',
    replicateClusters: [
        account: 'storageAccountName1',
        container: 'storageContainerName1',
        key: 'accessKey1',
        account: 'storageAccountName2',
        container: 'storageContainerName2',
        key: 'accessKey2',

GCS Storage Options

See the Google Cloud Storage (GCS) documentation for additional details.

bucketStringSets the bucket name.
contentTypesObjectAdds additional project asset file extensions as properties with corresponding mimetype as value.
cachingTimeIntegerChanges the default 1 hour caching time to a new amount of time, in seconds, for an asset.
endpointStringSets the endpoint URI to send requests.
httpsBooleanSetting this to true forces https: transfer to the endpoint.
portIntegerSets the port.
validationString || BooleanMethod for checking data integrity - 'md5', 'crc32c', or false.

Minimal GCS Example

module.exports = {
  options: {
    uploadfs: {
      storage: 'gcs',
      // Create bucket in the Google Cloud Console
      bucket: 'bucketname',
      // Select your region
      region: 'us-west-2'


The storage option should be set to gcs to use the Google Cloud Storage service.


The contentTypes property is populated by default with an object taken from the contentTypes.js file of the module. This object has all valid project file extensions as properties and their mimetype as value. Any object supplied to the contentTypes is merged with the existing default object.

Environment variables

Apostrophe exposes a number of environmental variables for easily setting a number of options for the AWS S3 and GCS services.

For the AWS S3 service and similar S3-type services, these variables cover the most common options needed to use the service.


The 'APOS_S3_BUCKET' takes the bucket name and is required. Adding a value to this variable will also automatically set the storage option to s3 and enables setting the other S3 options using environment variables. This value will override the value passed in through the corresponding option.


The APOS_S3_SECRET variable is required and takes the secretAccessKey option for the account. This value will override the value passed in through the corresponding option.


The APOS_S3_KEY variable is required and takes the accessKeyId for the account. This value will override the value passed in through the corresponding option.


The APOS_S3_REGION variable will be used to set the endpoint and is required when using the AWS S3 service. If using a S3-type service, like DigitalOcean or Linodeit is optional andAPOS_S3_ENDPOINT` is required. This value will override the value passed in through the corresponding option.


The APOS_S3_ENDPOINT variable is used with S3-type services offered by vendors other than AWS and is required when using these types of services. This value will override the value passed in through the corresponding option.


The GCS service storage option requires that the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable be set to the location of a service account file obtained from the Google Cloud Console.


export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=./projectname-f7f5e919aa79.json

copyIn(localPath, path, options, callback)

This method is used for handling uploads by the various storage types exposed by uploadfs. It is used by both the asset and attachment modules, but can also be used to handle files that aren't covered by the attachment module. The copyIn() method takes a local filename through the localPath argument. This file is copied to a uploadfs path specified by the path argument. Any necessary intermediate folders that don't exist will be created. The optional options argument is used to pass additional options to the selected storage. Finally, the callback receives any errors. It is often useful to wrap this function in promisify to convert it to a promise-based function.


async handleFile( file, uploadfsPath) {  
  const copyIn = require('util').promisify(self.uploadfs.copyIn);
  try {
    await copyIn(file, uploadfsPath)
  } catch (e) {

copyOut(localPath, path, options, callback)

Much like the copyIn method, the copyOut method takes a localPath and a uploadfs path and copies the file back from uploadfs to the local file system. This is used when an existing asset needs to be updated, such as supplying additional cropping or other image processing. It should be used sparingly because it can result in poor storage service performance. Like the copyIn method, wrapping copyOut in promisify is often useful.


async modifyImage( file, uploadfsPath) {  
  const copyOut = require('util').promisify(self.uploadfs.copyOut);
  const copyIn = require('util').promisify(self.uploadfs.copyIn);
  try {  
    await copyOut(file, uploadfsPath);
    await newImageCrop(file);
    await copyIn(file, uploadfsPath);
   } catch (err) {


The migrateFromDisabledFileKey function provides a way to switch any file previously disabled using the disabledFileKey option to use the disable method instead. Note: the disabledFileKey option should be removed before invoking this method.


self.apos.uploadfs.migrateFromDisabledFileKey(function(e) { … });


The migrateToDisabledFileKey function provides a way to switch any file previously disabled using thedisable method to use the disabledFileKey option. Note: disabledFileKey must be set before invoking this method.


self.apos.uploadfs.migrateToDisabledFileKey(function(e) { … });