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Extends: @apostrophecms/module ℹ️

This module establishes an error method used throughout Apostrophe code to help format code errors consistently.


apos.error is the error construction method, not an alias to this module.

error(name, message, data)

Returns an Error object suitable to throw. The name argument will be applied to the Error object. Certain values of name match to certain HTTP status codes. See the @apostrophecms/http module.

message may be skipped completely, or included as a string for a longer description. data is optional and may contain data about the error, safe to share with an untrusted client.

If the error is caught by Apostrophe's apiRoutes, restApiRoutes, and renderRoutes mechanisms, and name matches to a status code, an appropriate HTTP error is sent. The HTTP response to the client will consist of a JSON object with name, data, and message properties (the latter two only if present). If the name argument does not match a code, a general 500 error is sent to avoid disclosing inappropriate information and the error is only logged by Apostrophe server-side.

  "name": "invalid",
  "data": {},
  "message": "Your credentials are incorrect, or there is no such user"

For brevity, this method is aliased as apos.error.

module.exports = {
  // ...
  apiRoutes(self) {
    return {
      post: {
        async newest(req) {
          const product = await self.find(req).sort({
            createdAt: -1

          if (!product) {
            // 👇 Throwing an error with the error method.
            throw self.apos.error('notfound', 'No products were found.');

          return { product };