Template filters
Nunjucks supplied filters
The Nunjucks templating language comes with several built-in filters. These filters apply functions to template data before outputting content to the page. They are called with a pipe operator |
and can take arguments.
<h1>{{ data.page.headline | replace("foo", "bar" ) | upper }}</h1>
In this example, a hypothetical page headline will be retrieved from the page data and then piped to the 'replace' filter, along with two arguments. This filter will scan the incoming data and replace any instances of ‘foo’ with 'bar'. The output of this filter will then pass the result to the upper function, which will return the input as an uppercase string before being output to the page.
The order of filters can be significant, as they are applied sequentially to the input data.
Apostrophe supplied filters
Several custom filters and filter sets (multiple, sequential filters) are used in Apostrophe templating. Rather than remembering each filter and the correct order, apostrophe exposes them automatically to the templates. In addition, Apostrophe also adds multiple "helper functions" which do not use the | foo
filter syntax. The most common of these are described in the alphabetical filter reference.
Custom template filters
If you have special template needs you can also construct custom filters for use in Nunjucks templates. They can be added by passing the filter name and function to the template module addFilter(name, function)
method. Multiple filters can be added by passing an object to this same method, where each key is the name of the filter and the value is the function.
By way of example, we'll create a link where the URL is included as part of the label, but without the protocol.
module.exports = {
extend: '@apostrophecms/widget-type',
options: {
label: 'Link to a Page'
fields: {
add: {
url: {
type: 'url',
label: 'URL',
required: true
label: {
type: 'string',
label: 'Label',
required: true
group: {
links: {
label: 'Links',
fields: [ 'url', 'label' ]
init(self) {
stripHttp: self.stripHttp
methods(self) {
return {
stripHttp(s) {
return s.replace(/^(https?:|)\/\//, '');
Within the methods
, we create a function stripHttp()
that takes a string from the template. It performs a RegExp replace to strip the protocol before returning the string.
In init()
, we pass our function to the template module using self.apos.template.addFilter({})
. This method takes the name of the filter that will be used in the template as property - in this case stripHttp
- and our new function as a value.
To use this new filter you would simply pipe your data to the filter from within the template.
<section data-link-widget>
<a href="{{ data.widget.url }}">{{ data.widget.label }}: {{ data.widget.url | stripHttp }}</a>
Alphabetical Apostrophe filter reference
| build(url, path, data...)
This filter can add path and query string parameters to the passed URL. This is very useful for adding filters to the current URL, respecting other filters already present, without complicated logic. The method in the url
module requires that the URL be passed in as the first argument. However, when using this as a filter in Nunjucks, the data before the pipe will be sent as the first argument. This parameter accepts a URL that can include query parameters and anchor tags.
The path
parameter accepts an array but is optional. If present, it allows the addition of additional path elements to the URL. The array strings are not added directly to the URL but are substituted with values from the data
object. So, with a path
array of ['one', 'two']
and a data
object of { one: 'first', two: 'second'}
the URL https://example.com
would be modified to https://example.com/first/second
. The path elements will be added in the order they appear in the path
The data
parameter can accept multiple, comma-separated objects. The objects will be considered sequentially, so if duplicate keys are passed, the value will be assigned from the last passed object. As outlined for path
, these objects can be key:value pairs that add new path elements. If the key does not match any element in the path
array, it will be added to the URL as a query parameter. Continuing with the example URL from above, passing a data
object of { id: 1010 }
would result in a filtered URL of https://example.com?id=1010
. If the query parameter already exists in the URL, the value will be changed to the value in the data
object. Passing values of null
, undefined
, or an empty string will remove the query parameter.
If the data
object contains a key that matches a string in the path
array and has an invalid path value, e.g. null
, or is not slug safe, all path processing will stop. Any additional data
key:value pairs will be added as query parameters even if they match a path
array value.
Since passing a parameter of the same name as an existing query parameter will replace the value, building an array property for a query requires MongoDB-style operators. If an array doesn’t already exist, the $addToSet
operator will create it and add a value. Otherwise, it will simply add the value.
{ colors: { $addToSet: ‘blue’ } }
To remove values from an existing array use the $pull
{ colors: { $pull: ‘blue’ } }
| clonePermanent
Given JavaScript data, this filter recursively strips out any properties whose names begin with a _
, except _id
. This is used to avoid pushing large related documents into the DOM, keeping markup size down. This filter is usually followed by either the json
or jsonAttribute
| css
Converts a string from other formats, such as underscore or camelCase to a kebab-case CSS identifier. For instance, fooBar
becomes foo-bar
| date(format)
Turns a JavaScript Date object into a string, as specified by format
. For formatting options, see the documentation of the dayjs
npm module.
| json
Turns JavaScript data into a JSON string, correctly escaped for safe use inside a script
tag in the middle of an HTML document. Note that it is not safe to use the Nunjucks dump
filter in this way. This filter is not for attributes; see jsonAttribute
| jsonAttribute(options)
Given JavaScript data, this filter escapes it correctly to be the value of a data-
attribute of an element in the page. It does not add the "
quote characters around the attribute itself, but it does escape any "
characters in the JSON string.
may be omitted. If options.single
is truthy, single-quotes are escaped instead, and you must use '
(single quotes) to quote the attribute. This saves space and is more readable in "view page source."
If this filter is applied to anything other than an object or array, the value is converted to a string and output literally, without quotes. This is done for compatibility with jQuery's data
method, which only parses JSON when it sees {}
or []
syntax, and otherwise returns the value directly as a string. If you don't like this, only pass objects to this filter.
| merge(object2, object3...)
When applied to an object, this filter "merges in" the properties of any additional objects given to it as arguments. Note that this is not a recursive merge. If two objects contain the same property, the last object wins.
| nlbr
Converts newlines found in a string into <br />
tags. The incoming string is escaped from any HTML markup. After converting the newlines into breaks, the string is passed through the |safe
filter before returning it.
| nlp
Breaks a string into <p>...</p>
elements, based on newlines. Like the | nlbr
filter, the incoming string is escaped and passed back as safe.
| query
Turns an object into a query string. This filter uses the stringify method of the npm (‘qs’ package)[https://www.npmjs.com/package/qs]. See also build
| safe
The | safe
filter marks any passed value as safe for direct output on the page. This filter is built into Nunjucks but merits special mention. Data passed from Apostrophe into templates is automatically escaped. Thus, there is no need for the | escape
(aliased as | e
) filter. However, if you want to bypass this behavior, you must pass any data through the | safe
filter. This should be used with caution as this could allow the Editor to pass HTML breaking code onto the page.
| striptags
Strips HTML tags from a string, leaving only the content inside the tags.