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Extends: @apostrophecms/doc-type ℹ️

This module is the foundation for all piece types in Apostrophe. It is not typically configured or referenced in project code directly since each piece type should be managed independently in most cases. For example, the options documented below would be configured on a custom piece type, e.g., article, rather this piece type base module.

The only reason to configure this module directly would be to apply the changes to every piece type, including those in Apostrophe core (e.g., @apostrophecms/user).


autopublishBooleanSet to true to publish all saved edits immediately.
cacheObjectProvides control over cache headers for the REST API.
labelStringThe human-readable label for the doc type.
localizedBooleanSet to false to exclude the doc type in the locale system.
perPageIntegerThe number of pieces to include in a set of GET request results.
pluralLabelStringThe plural readable label for the piece type.
publicApiProjectionObjectPiece fields to make available via a public REST API route.
quickCreateBooleanSet to true to add the piece type to the quick create menu.
searchableBooleanSet to false to remove the piece type from search results.
showCreateBooleanSet to false to disable UI related to creating new pieces of that type.
showArchiveBooleanSet to false to disable UI related to archiving pieces of that type.
showDiscardDraftBooleanSet to false to disable UI related to discarding draft pieces of that type.
showDismissSubmissionBooleanSet to false to disable UI related to dismissing draft submissions for pieces of that type.
singletonBooleanSet to true to ensure that no one can create a new piece of that type. The global doc module uses this, as only one should ever exist.
sortObjectThe value for a piece type's default sort order query builder.


Set autopublish to true to automatically publish any changes saved to docs of this type. There is then effectively no draft mode for this doc type, but there will be draft document versions in the database.

The core image and file modules use this option, for example. It eliminates the need for users to think about the distinction between draft and published content while preserving the possibility of translation for different locales.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    autopublish: true
  // ...


cache can be set to an object with an api subproperty, and a maxAge subproperty within that, determining the cache lifetime in seconds. If enabled, Apostrophe will send a Cache-Control header with the specified maximum age. The actual caching is provided by the browser, or by an intermediate CDN or reverse proxy.

Note that Apostrophe already provides "cache on demand" by default, to improve performance when simultaneous GET requests arrive for the same piece. Unlike "cache on demand," setting the cache option introduces the possibility that some visitors will see older content, up to the specified lifetime.

If a user is logged in, or req.session has content, Apostrophe always disables caching. However such a user could encounter a previously cached document from before logging in. Apostrophe contains logic to mitigate this in the editing experience.


  cache: {
    api: {
      // Specified in seconds
      maxAge: 3000


label should be set to a text string to be used in user interface elements related to this doc type. This includes buttons to open piece manager modals.

If not set, Apostrophe will convert the module name to a readable label by splitting the name property on dashes and underscores, then capitalizing the first letter of each word.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    label: 'Featured Article'
  // ...


Defaults to true. If set to false, this doc type will not be included in the locale system. This means there will be only one version of each doc, regardless of whether multiple locales (e.g., for languages or regions) are active. There is no distinction between draft and published, including in the database.

The "users" piece type disables localization in this way. It can also be useful for piece types that are synchronized from another system that has no notion of locales and no distinction between "draft" and "published" content.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    localized: false
  // ...


In piece types, the perPage option, expressed as an integer, sets the number of pieces that will be returned in each "page" during GET requests that don't specify an _id. It also controls how many are displayed in the manager modal user interface. This value defaults to 10.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    perPage: 20 // REST `GET` requests will return 20 pieces per page.
  // ...


Similar to label for all doc types, the pluralLabel option sets the string the user interface will use to describe a piece type in plural contexts.

If no pluralLabel value is provided, Apostrophe will append the label (whether set manually or generated as described), with "s", as is typical for English words. Even in English this is often not correct, so pluralLabel should usually be defined explicitly.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    label: 'Goose',
    pluralLabel: 'Geese'
  // ...


By default the built-in Apostrophe REST APIs are not accessible without proper authentication. You can set an exception to this for GET requests to return specific document properties with the publicApiProjection option.

This should be set to an object containing individual field name keys set to 1 for their values. Those fields names included in the publicApiProjection object will be returned when the GET API requests are made without authentication.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    publicApiProjection: {
      title: 1,
      authorName: 1,
      _url: 1 // 👈 Dynamic properties are allowed
  // ...

Unauthenticated GET /api/v1/article requests would return each piece with only the title, authorName, and _url properties.


Setting quickCreate: true on a piece adds that piece type to the admin bar "quick create" menu. The Apostrophe admin bar user interface includes the quick create menu button to add new pieces without first opening their respective manager modals.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    quickCreate: true
  // ...


Setting searchable: false on a piece type will exclude that piece type from the results in Apostrophe's built-in search.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    searchable: false
  // ...


The sort option for a doc type defines a sorting order for requests to the database for that type. The option is set to an object containing field name keys with 1 as a property value for ascending order and -1 for descending order.

The default sort for all doc types is { updatedAt: -1 }, meaning it returns documents based on the updatedAt property (the date and time of the last update) in descending order. The sort object can have multiple keys for more specific sorting.


This sort setting will return articles first based on a custom priority field in ascending order, then by the core updatedAt property in descending order.

module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    sort: {
      priority: 1,
      updatedAt: -1
  fields: {
    add: {
      priority: {
        type: 'integer',
        min: 1,
        max: 5
      // ...
  // ...

The following methods belong to this module and may be useful in project-level code. See the source code for all methods that belong to this module.

This module is meant as a base class for more specific content modules. As such, the methods should be used from those content modules, not directly from this one.

async find(req, criteria, builders)

The find() method initiates a database query. Learn more about initiating queries in the database query guide. This method takes three arguments:

reqObjectThe associated request object. Using a provided req object is important for maintaining user role permissions.
criteriaObjectA MongoDB criteria object. It is often as simple as properties that match schema field names assigned to the desired value.
buildersObjectThe builders object is converted to matching query builders.

async insert(req, piece, options)

The insert() method is used to add a new piece in server-side code. See the guide for inserting documents in code for more on this.

reqObjectThe associated request object. Using a provided req object is important for maintaining user role permissions.
pieceObjectThe piece document object.
optionsObjectAn options object. Setting permissions: false will bypass all permission checks.

async update(req, piece, options)

The update() is used to update data for an existing piece. Note that the second argument must be a complete piece object to replace the existing one. You will typically use find() to get the existing document object, alter that, then pass it into this method. See the guide for updating pages in code for more on this.

reqObjectThe associated request object. Using a provided req object is important for maintaining user role permissions.
pieceObjectThe document object that will replace the existing database document.
optionsObjectAn options object. Setting permissions: false will bypass all permission checks.


Piece type modules' implementation of getBrowserData. This establishes the data that is used in the browser (including by the user interface). If adjusting this remember to extend this method rather than overwriting it to avoid breaking the UI.

Module tasks


Full command: node app [piece-type name]:generate --total=[integer]

This task is used to generate sample documents for a given piece type. This can be helpful during project development to quickly create test content. The task will generate 10 items if the --total argument is not included. If --total is included with a number argument, it will generate that number of items.

For example, node app article:generate --total=2000 will generate 2,000 documents for an article piece type.