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Extends: @apostrophecms/module ℹ️

This module manages general email functionality that Apostrophe modules use. The most significant feature is the nodemailer option, which is used to configure the Nodemailer third-party module.


fromStringThe default "from" address, either as the email address or with full name (e.g., '"Jane Doe" <>').
nodemailerObjectAn options object for Nodemailer. Required for sending email unless the transport is directly set on self.transport. It is passed to nodemailer's createTransport method. See the Nodemailer documentation.


If using a pre-configured Nodemailer transport package that must be passed to the Nodemailer createTransport method (e.g., nodemailer-mailjet-transport, nodemailer-mailgun-transport), you may assign that package to the nodemailer option as well.

const mailjetTransport = require('nodemailer-mailjet-transport');

module.exports = {
  options: {
    from: '"Jane Doe" <>',
    nodemailer: mailjetTransport({
      /// Mailjet configuration...

If needed, you may assign the fully created transport directly to self.transport and omit the nodemailer option.

const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const mailjetTransport = require('nodemailer-mailjet-transport');

module.exports = {
  init(self) {
    self.transport = nodemailer.createTransport(mailjetTransport({
      // Mailjet configuration...
    }), {
      // A full set of message defaults...