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Migration from Apostrophe 2 to Apostrophe 4

While many foundational patterns from Apostrophe 2 (A2) were maintained in Apostrophe 3 and now in the latest versions of Apostrophe, there are significant breaking changes to both the database document structure and site-building APIs. This guide will summarize those and cover how to begin upgrading website and standalone module projects from A2 to the newest Apostrophe. Importantly, it will also introduce tools for developers to automate most of the necessary migration work.

Breaking changes

The updates described below are the majority of significant breaking changes but are not completely comprehensive.

Code syntax, APIs, and module configuration

Codebase structure and module naming

  • The modules directory moved from /lib/modules to /modules since there was little need for the additional nesting.
  • All core modules have been namespaced with @apostrophecms. For example, the apostrophe-pages module is now @apostrophecms/page. At project level, you can configure this module in /modules/@apostrophecms/page/index.js.


Project-specific modules should not use the @apostrophecms namespace to avoid future collisions.

  • Official doc-type modules are now singular as well, e.g., @apostrophecms/file.
  • Due to core module name changes, the name option is no longer necessary (or functional) in page and piece-type modules. Module names now exactly match the document type property (e.g., @apostrophecms/user, @apostrophecms/image).

Updated UI and module architecture

  • Most any user interface customizations based on the A2 jQuery code will no longer work.
  • As noted on the migration overview page, Apostrophe no longer provides jQuery, lodash, or Moment.js to browsers by default. If you need any of those libraries in the client you will need to provide them.
  • Due to the module architecture changes, all modules in an A2 project would need to be refactored when migrating to a newer version. Most configurations and methods will be reusable, but they will need to be rearranged. See the module reference for details. Here are some highlights:
    • Module field schemas now use an object structure on the fields property. It has add, remove, and group subproperties to replace A2's addFields, removeFields, and arrangeFields.
    • columns (for piece manager UI columns) is structured similarly to fields with add, remove, and order subproperties. This replaces A2's addColumns property.
    • filters (for piece manager filters) is structured similarly to fields with add, and remove subproperties. This replaces A2's addFilters property.
    • Many module settings that were top level properties in A2 (e.g., label, alias, sort) are now subproperties of options. These include all settings that are not covered in the module properties overview reference. See the module options reference for more on that.
    • The A2 self.addHelper() method used to add Nunjucks helper functions is replaced by the helpers section in module configuration.
    • The A2 self.apiRoute() method used to add a custom API route is replaced by the apiRoutes section in module configuration.
    • The A2 self.renderRoute() method used to add a custom template rendering route is replaced by the renderRoutes section in module configuration.
    • The A2 self.route() method used to add a custom Express route is replaced by the routes section in module configuration.
    • The A2 self.on() method that watched for Apostrophe server-side promise events is replaced by the handlers section in module configuration.
    • The A2 self.addFilter() method used to add MongoDB cursor filters is replaced by the queries section and its builders subsection in module configuration.
    • Custom lib/cursor.js files for modules are no longer loaded. Migrate this code to the new queries section as well.
    • The A2 self.expressMiddleware system for adding Express middleware functions is replaced by the middleware section in module configuration.
    • The A2 self.addTask() method for adding CLI tasks is replaced by the tasks section in module configuration.

Areas, singletons, and template macros

  • Areas must be declared as fields in the content field schema. They will no longer work if simply added to template files without being registered.
  • The area template tag format is now {% area, 'areaName' %}. Note that this no longer includes the configuration of widgets since that is now done in module configuration.
  • The new area template tag renders asynchronously, which the standard Nunjucks macro doesn't not support. Macros containing area tags must be converted to "fragments", the comparable feature in newer versions of Apostrophe.
    • As a rule, we encourage developers to use fragments instead of macros in almost every case. See the fragments guide for information on exceptions.
  • Area "singletons" are no longer a separate field type or template helper. They were always simply areas that only allowed one widget. With the other area changes, there is not much benefit to having that feature over adding the max: 1 option to an area field.

Client-side assets

Other changes

  • Every page type will need a corresponding module (in A2 this was only necessary if the page had custom fields or functionality). Page templates live in the page type module rather than in the base page module.
  • In A2, relationships between two piece or page types were referred to as "joins." Now they are called "relationships." The relationship field type is fundamentally the same as the previous joinByArray and joinByOne fields (using a max: 1 option to replicate the latter). See the guide regarding for changes in template use.
  • The array and object field types use a new syntax for adding their field schemas, matching the new module field schema syntax.
  • The tags field from A2 no longer exists. In most cases, we recommend replacing that by adding a piece type for categorization. The core @apostrophecms/image-tag and @apostrophecms/file-tag modules are examples of this.
  • Template helper methods need to be adjusted to use the singular form of their module aliases, e.g., apos.attachments.url to apos.attachment.url.

Data Structure

The following changes apply to database documents in A2 databases' primary content collection, aposDocs, unless otherwise specified.

  • Apostrophe core doc type names (the type property) change to reflect the comparable apostrophe module names (e.g., apostrophe-image, @apostrophecms/image).
  • Apostrophe core widget type names (the type property) change to reflect the comparable apostrophe module names (e.g., apostrophe-video to @apostrophecms/video). This is equal to the widget module name without its -widget suffix.
  • There are always at least two database documents for each published document: one representing the published document and another representing the draft, potentially with unpublished changes. Once changes are saved after initial publication, another for the "previous" state is added. The "previous" document is not required for initial operation, however.
    • The exception to this is when a module has the localized: false option. The @apostrophecms/user module is the only such case in Apostrophe core.
  • Unique ID and document state properties evolved to support the document version system.
    • The _id property is now a combination of a unique string, a locale identifier (defaults to en), and the document mode (e.g., ckokisysc00048d4l5zdo9l0c:en:published).
    • A new property, aposLocale stores the full locale, e.g., en:published.
    • A new property aposMode stores the document mode, e.g., published.
    • A new property aposDocId stores the unique document ID (shared between each variation), e.g., ckokisysc00048d4l5zdo9l0c.
  • metaType properties identify particular sections of document structure. These help Apostrophe property operate on similar content object structures.
    • All aposDocs documents have a top-level metaType: 'doc' property.
    • Area field objects within documents have a metaType: 'area' property.
    • Widget objects within areas have a metaType: 'widget' property.
    • Individual array field items include a metaType: 'arrayItem' property.
  • A2 join field properties, now "relationships" in newer versions, have a new name structure.
  • singleton fields are no longer supported. They are area fields in newer versions.
  • The trash property is archived in newer versions.
  • Attachment documents in the aposAttachments DB collection change the trashDocIds property to archivedDocIds.

Migration tools and process

Migrating an Apostrophe 2 codebase and data should be done with care, but there are two official tools that can help speed the process along. Both tools are still somewhat early in development, so it is important to use them locally (not in production) and make sure to back up code and data before using them.

The Apostrophe team is very interested in feedback on these upgrader tools. With each of their limitations in mind, please provide any comments, bug reports, code contributions, or feature requests as issues on the respective Github repositories.

Content Upgrader

While completely manual code migration is possible, the Content Upgrader tool is basically essential for data conversion. Writing custom data migrations would not be able to do many things differently from the official tool and there is very little to gain by doing so.

The Content Upgrader tool does not change anything in the original Apostrophe 2 database. Instead, it reads that original database and creates a new database using a name the developer provides. That new database will contain the original data, converted for use in the newest verrsions ofApostrophe.

Developers will install the Content Upgrader as a module within the A2 project. This allows it to access schemas and other important project information. See the Content Upgrader README for full instructions.


The Content Upgrader tool is currently published as an initial stable release. It is essentially feature-complete but may miss some edge cases. We encourage developers to begin trying it on A2 projects and provide feedback as we prepare for a stable release.


There are a few limitations in the Content Upgrader to understand before using it.

  • Users and groups are not migrated. This is because the user roles of newer versions differ in design from the permissions groups of A2. Copying users directly could create security issues. Create new accounts in your updated project or arrive at your own migration strategy.
  • A2 has a built-in apostrophe-images widget type that acts as a slideshow when multiple images are selected. The newer Apostrophe versions only has a built-in single-image @apostrophecms/image widget type. By default, apostrophe-images will be upgraded to @apostrophecms/image, with only the first image present in each. However, you can use the mapWidgetTypes option (see the README) to override this mapping during the upgrade.

Code Upgrader

The Code Upgrader tool supports upgrading codebases for full Apostrophe projects (websites) and installable modules. It has two major roles in converting an A2 codebase to use the newer version of Apostrophe:

  1. It will lint an Apostrophe codebase for A2 syntax and structure that must change. This is its lint command.
  2. It will make many of those code changes for you. This is its upgrade command.

Additionally, there is a reset command that can undo all uncommitted changes. Always use a new git branch during this process as well to have an additional way to roll back changes.

One reason we recommend using this tool to execute changes on a full project is that it will make minimal code adjustments for newer version use. This is important because additional changes (such as field name changes), could unnecessarily break compatibility with the upgraded database. After running the automatic code upgrade, take care with final code changes to avoid affecting data compatibility.

The Code Upgrader is installed globally in a Node environment (including developer environments) and run as a command line tool. See the Code Upgrader README for full instructions.


The Code Upgrader tool is currently published as an alpha release. It will lint most A2 features that need updating, but there are several features that it cannot automatically upgrade yet. The tool will never do 100% of the necessary code conversion, but we will continue adding feature support before it can be published as a full 1.0 release.

We encourage developers to begin trying it on A2 projects and provide feedback as we prepare for a stable release.


Just as with the content tool, the Code Upgrader has some limitations to understand. While database structure is very predictable, code styles and patterns are not. Some A2 APIs and syntax are intentionally not touched to avoid making incorrect assumptions.

  • The tool is designed to operation on the majority of standard Apostrophe 2 codebases. Projects that generally follow patterns in official documentation and sample projects will have the best results. The tool will help on very custom projects (especially the linting mode), but more manual work will be always be needed to finish the work.
  • Widget player code (client-side JavaScript) is not changed. The original widget player syntax relies on jQuery, which the newer versions of Apostrophe do not include. A2 "lean" players may be supported in the future.
  • Areas (and A2's "singletons") that are only defined in A2 template files, "anonymous areas," are not changed. In newer versions, all areas must be registered in a module's field schema, however, the complexity of area configuration (and limitations of template parsers) make them better converted manually.
  • As mentioned above the image widget only supports a single image in newer versions. As in the content tool, these are converted to the equivalent updated version, but full slideshow conversion will need to be done manually.
  • As the tool is still in development, some features will eventually be supported in the automatic upgrade, but are not yet. We appreciate your patience during development.

In many of these limitation cases the lint command will still alert you to the outdated code so you can find it and make changes manually.