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Module configuration options

Apostrophe modules can be configured with settings that influence functionality without having to write custom JavaScript. The sections below describe the options available in all modules as well as those specific to certain module types.

All settings described here are placed in a module's options configuration object. The options object can be added in the module's index.js file, as well as where the module is instantiated in the app.js file.

index.js example:

module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  // 👇 Module configuration options
  options: {
    alias: 'article',
    label: 'Article',
    pluralLabel: 'Articles',
    quickCreate: true
  // Other settings, such as `fields`

app.js example:

  shortName: 'bowling-league-site', // Unique to your project
  modules: {
    article: {
      extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
      // 👇 Module configuration options
      options: {
        alias: 'article',
        label: 'Article',
        pluralLabel: 'Articles',
        quickCreate: true
      // Other settings, such as `fields`

Using module options

Most module options in Apostrophe core and official extension modules are used automatically for specific purposes. No additional work is needed to use them for their original purposes other than configuring them.

Module options can also be referenced directly in custom module code. Module configuration function sections take a self argument, which is the module itself. You can then get the options as self.options.

For example, if you had a custom piece type, it might look like this:

module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    alias: 'article'
  init (self) {
    const moduleOptions = self.options;
    // ...
  methods (self) {
    return {
      logOptions () {
        console.log('The module alias is ', self.options.alias);

Options for any module

Option settings in this section apply to every module in Apostrophe.

OptionValue typeDescription
aliasStringConfigure an alias to more easily reference the module elsewhere.
componentsObjectConfigure custom UI Vue components to be used for the module.
csrfExceptionsArrayAn array of route names in the module, or URLs starting with /, that should bypass CSRF protection.
i18nBoolean/ObjectIndicate that the module will include localization strings for the i18n module (with optional configuration).
templateDataObjectSet data to be included on for requests to this module.


Set to a string, the alias value will be applied to the apos object (accessible in many places) as a quick reference to the module. set an alias to easily reference the module from other modules. There is no default value.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    alias: 'article'
  // ...

This article module can then be referenced anywhere the apos object is present as apos.article. Otherwise it would be available via apos.modules['news-article'].


With the exception of modules present in Apostrophe core at the time of the 3.x stable release, modules distributed via npm should never set alias for themselves or assume that it has been set. This is to avoid conflict when multiple modules attempt to use the same alias.


The components options is an object identifying Vue components to use for the module's related user interface. The keys of this object, and thus the UI being overridden, will vary based on the module type. For example, piece modules use managerModal and editorModal components.

This is an advanced option since it can easily break the user interface.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    components: {
      managerModal: 'MyCustomPiecesManager'
  // ...


See the Express module for more on CSRF protection in Apostrophe. This option can contain an array of route names or relative URLs that should bypass CSRF protection.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    csrfExceptions: [ 'login', '/safe-url' ]
  // ...


Similar to browser, the templateData module option can be set to an object whose properties will be made available in templates of that module. Properties are attached directly to the data object in templates.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/widget-type',
  options: {
    templateData: {
      defaultColor: '#55ff93'
  // ...

You might use that value as a fallback for user-editable fields.

{% set bgColor = data.widget.color or data.defaultColor %}
<h2 style="background-color: {{ bgColor }}">
  Title Here

Options for all doc type modules

Option settings in this section apply to all modules that extend @apostrophecms/doc-type (doc type modules). These include all piece and page types.

OptionValue typeDescription
adminOnlyBooleanSet to true to only allow admins to manage the doc type.
autopublishBooleanSet to true to publish all saved edits immediately.
labelStringThe human-readable label for the doc type.
localizedBooleanSet to false to exclude the doc type in the locale system.
sortObjectConfigure sort order for docs of this type.
slugPrefixStringAdd a prefix to all slugs for this doc type.


If true, only users with the sitewide admin permission can read or write docs of this type. The @apostrophecms/user module uses this setting due to its impact on user access. There is no default value.


```javascript module.exports = { extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type', options: { adminOnly: true }, // ... } ```


Set autopublish to true to automatically publish any changes saved to docs of this type. There is then effectively no draft mode for this doc type.

The core image and file modules use this option, for example. It eliminates the need for users to think about the distinction between draft and published content while preserving the possibility of translation for different locales.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    autopublish: true
  // ...

label (for doc types)

label should be set to a text string to be used in user interface elements related to this doc type. This includes buttons to open piece manager modals and the page type select field.

If not set, Apostrophe will convert the module name meta property to a readable label by splitting the name on dashes and underscores, then capitalizing the first letter of each word.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    label: 'Featured Article'
  // ...


Defaults to true. If set to false, this doc type will not be included in the locale system. This means there will be only one version of each doc, regardless of whether multiple locales (e.g., for languages or regions) are active. The "users" piece disables localization in this way.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    localized: false
  // ...


The sort option for a doc type defines a sorting order for requests to the database for that type. The option is set to an object containing field name keys with 1 as a property value for ascending order and -1 for descending order.

The default sort for all doc types is { updatedAt: -1 }, meaning it returns documents based on the updatedAt property (the date and time of the last update) in descending order. The sort object can have multiple keys for more specific sorting.


This sort setting will return articles first based on a custom priority field in ascending order, then by the core updatedAt property in descending order.

module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    sort: {
      priority: 1,
      updatedAt: -1
  fields: {
    add: {
      priority: {
        type: 'integer',
        min: 1,
        max: 5
      // ...
  // ...


Set slugPrefix to a string to prepend all slugs for docs of this type. This can prevent slugs, which must be unique to each doc, from being reserved in some cases. For example, Apostrophe image docs have the slugPrefix value of 'image-' so images, which do not typically have public pages, do not accidentally reserve a more reader-friendly slug.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    slugPrefix: 'category-'
  // ...

Options for all piece modules

Option settings in this section apply to all piece modules (those that extend @apostrophecms/piece-type).

OptionValue typeDescription
pluralLabelStringThe plural readable label for the piece type.
perPageIntegerThe number of pieces to include in a set of GET request results.
publicApiProjectionObjectPiece fields to make available via a public REST API route.
quickCreateBooleanSet to true to add the piece type to the quick create menu.
searchableBooleanSet to false to remove the piece type from search results.


Similar to label for all doc types, the pluralLabel option sets the string the user interface will use to describe a piece type in plural contexts. All page types are referred to as "Pages" in these contexts, but pieces should have unique labels (e.g., "Articles," or "Teams").

If no pluralLabel value is provided, Apostrophe will append the label (whether set manually or generated as described), with "s", as is typical for English words. Even in English this is often not correct, so pluralLabel should usually be defined explicitly.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    label: 'Goose',
    pluralLabel: 'Geese'
  // ...


In piece types, the perPage option, expressed as an integer, sets the number of pieces that will be returned in each "page" during GET requests that don't specify an _id. This value defaults to 10.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    perPage: 20 // REST `GET` requests will return 20 pieces per page.
  // ...

publicApiProjection (for pieces)

By default the built-in Apostrophe REST APIs are not accessible without proper authentication. You can set an exception to this for GET requests to return specific document properties with the publicApiProjection option.

This should be set to an object containing individual field name keys set to 1 for their values. Those fields names included in the publicApiProjection object will be returned when the GET API requests are made without authentication.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    publicApiProjection: {
      title: 1,
      authorName: 1,
      _url: 1 // 👈 Dynamic properties are allowed
  // ...

Unauthenticated GET /api/v1/article requests would return each piece with only the title, authorName, and _url properties.

quickCreate (for pieces)

Setting quickCreate: true on a piece adds that piece type to the admin bar "quick create" menu. The Apostrophe admin bar user interface includes the quick create menu button to add new pieces without first opening their respective manager modals.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    quickCreate: true
  // ...


Setting searchable: false on a piece type will exclude that piece type from the results in Apostrophe's built-in search.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-type',
  options: {
    searchable: false
  // ...

Options for the core page module

Option settings in this section apply to the core page module (@apostrophecms/page).

OptionValue typeDescription
buildersObjectSet query builder values to be used when pages are served.
homeBoolean/ObjectChange how the home page is added to when pages are served.
minimumParkArrayOverride default parked pages, including the home page.
parkArraySet pages to be created on site start with configuration.
publicApiProjectionObjectSet query builder values to be used when pages are served.
quickCreateBooleanSet to false to remove pages from the quick create menu.
typesArraySet the page types available for new pages.


The builders option can be used to apply any existing query builders when a page is served by its URL. This affects the data available on the page object, ( in templates).

The default value is:

  children: true,
  ancestors: { children: true }

In this example, page objects are fetched with one level of page tree "children" as _children and their "ancestor" pages, each with one level of their child pages, on _ancestors.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    builders: {
      children: { depth: 2 }
  // ...

In this example, we are not including ancestor pages and are requesting two levels of child pages (direct children and their direct children).


The home page document is added to all page requests on so it can be referenced in all page templates. That home page object also includes a _children property containing an array of top level page objects. The home option offers minor performance improvements for large sites by setting one of the following values:

falseDisables adding the home page document to the requests.
{ children: false }Includes the home page document, but without the child pages array. If the builders option has an ancestors property, that will take precedence.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    home: { children: false }
  // ...


The minimumPark option sets the initial defaults for the home page and archive "page" (the page archive). This should normally be left as it is. A possible use case for changing this might be when building an installable module meant to change the defaults for all websites that use it.


Configuring this poorly, especially by leaving out one of the two required pages, will break page functionality. In almost every situation it is better to use the park option instead, including for updating home page properties.

The default is:

    slug: '/',
    parkedId: 'home',
    _defaults: {
      title: 'Home',
      type: '@apostrophecms/home-page'
    slug: '/archive',
    parkedId: 'archive',
    type: '@apostrophecms/archive-page',
    archived: true,
    orphan: true,
    title: 'Archive'


module.exports = {
  options: {
    minimumPark: [
        slug: '/',
        parkedId: 'home',
        _defaults: {
          title: 'Welcome',  // 👈
          type: 'welcome-page' // 👈
        slug: '/archive',
        parkedId: 'archive',
        type: '@apostrophecms/archive-page',
        archived: true,
        orphan: true,
        title: 'Archive'
  // ...


Use the park option to add an array of pages that should be created when the app starts up if they do not already exist. Each page is added as an object with initial properties, including the required parkedId.

Required and recommended parked page properties include:

parkedIdRequiredA unique ID value used to identify it among parked pages.
slugRequiredThe page slug.
typeRequiredThe page type to be used for the parked page.
titleRecommendedThe page title. If not set, it will be "New Page."

If added on the top level of the page object, these properties will not be editable through the user interface. Properties other than parkedId may be included in a _defaults property instead, which will allow them to be edited in the UI.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    park: [
      // The blog page has a permanent slug, title, and type.
        parkedId: 'blogParkedId',
        slug: '/blog',
        title: 'Blog',
        type: 'blog-page'
      // The team page has a permanent type, but editable slug and title.
        parkedId: 'teamParkedId',
        type: 'staff-page',
        _defaults: {
          slug: '/team',
          title: 'Our Team',
  // ...

publicApiProjection (for pages)

By default the built-in Apostrophe REST APIs are not accessible without proper authentication. You can set an exception to this for GET requests to return specific document properties with the publicApiProjection option.

This should be set to an object containing individual field name keys set to 1 for their values. Those fields names included in the publicApiProjection object will be returned when the GET API requests are made without authentication.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    publicApiProjection: {
      title: 1,
      _url: 1 // 👈 Dynamic properties are allowed
  // ...

Unauthenticated GET /api/v1/@apostrophecms/page requests would return each piece with only the title and _url properties.

quickCreate (for pages)

Pages are included in the admin bar "quick create" menu by default. Setting quickCreate: false on the page module will disable this.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    quickCreate: false
  // ...


The types array defines the page types available to users when creating or editing pages. Each item in the array should have a label property and a name property, which matches an active page type. If no types array is set, only the core "Home" page type will be available.

Parked pages may use page types that are not in the types option array. This allows developers to do things such as parking a single search page but not allowing users to create additional search pages.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    types: [
        name: 'default-page',
        label: 'Default'
        name: 'article-page',
        label: 'Article Index'
        name: '@apostrophecms/home-page',
        label: 'Home'
  // ...

Options for page type modules

Option settings in this section apply to all page types (modules that extend @apostrophecms/page-type).

OptionValue typeDescription
sceneStringChange the "scene" for this page type from the default 'public'.


Scenes are contexts in which certain sets of front end assets are delivered. Normally, anonymous site visitors receive only the stylesheets and scripts included in the 'public' asset scene (those that are placed in the module's ui/public directory). If your page will use assets, such as Apostrophe's modals, that are normally reserved for logged-in users you can set scene: 'apos' in order to load them with pages of this type.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/page-type',
  options: {
    scene: 'apos'
  // ...

Options for piece page types

Option settings in this section apply to all piece page types (modules that extend @apostrophecms/piece-page-type).

OptionValue typeDescription
perPageIntegerSet the number of pieces to display in each set of paginated index page results.
nextBoolean/ObjectEnable and optionally configure the object.
piecesFiltersArrayConfigure pieces filters for index pages.
pieceModuleNameStringSpecify the associated piece type if it doesn't match the module name.
previousBoolean/ObjectEnable and optionally configure the object.


For piece pages, the perPage option, expressed as an integer, defines the number of pieces that will be added to the array when the page is served. The specific pieces in the set will be based on the total number of pieces and the page query parameter in the request.

This is, more simply, the number of pieces that will normally be displayed on each page of a paginated index page. This value defaults to 10.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-page-type',
  options: {
    perPage: 12
  // ...


If set to true, Apostrophe will include the next piece, based on the sort option, on when serving a show page. This is useful to add links to a show page directing visitors to the next item in a series (e.g., the next oldest blog post). If not set, will not be available.

next can also be set to an object, which will be used as a query builder for retrieving that next piece document.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-page-type',
  options: {
    next: true
  // ...

// OR

module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-page-type',
  options: {
    // The next article piece would be returned with only the `title`, `_url`,
    // and `publishedAt` properties.
    next: {
      project: {
        title: 1,
        _url: 1,
        publishedAt: 1
  // ...


piecesFilters, configured as an array of objects, supports filtering pieces on an index page. Each object must have a name property associated with a valid query builder. These include:

  • Custom query builders configured in an app that include a launder method
  • Field names whose field types automatically get builders:
    • boolean
    • checkboxes
    • date
    • float
    • integer
    • relationship
    • select
    • slug
    • string
    • url

When the index page is served, configured filters will be represented on a object (data.piecesFilters in the template). If you include counts: true in a filter object, the number of pieces matching that filter are included on properties.


// 👆
module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-page-type',
  options: {
    piecesFilters: [
      { name: '_author' },
        name: 'category',
        counts: true
  fields: {
    _author: {
      type: 'relationship',
      label: 'Author'
    category: {
      type: 'select',
      label: 'Category',
      choices: [
        // Category choices here
    // Other fields...
  // ...


Piece page types are each associated with a single piece type. If named with the pattern [piece name]-page, the associated piece type will be detected automatically. For example, if the article-page module extends @apostrophecms/piece-page-type, it will automatically be associated with an article piece type.

You can override this pattern by explicitly setting pieceModuleName to an active piece type name. Ths can be useful if there is more than one piece page type for a single piece type (e.g., to support different functionality in each).


// 👆 This module name would look for a piece type named `team` if not for
// `pieceModuleName`
module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-page-type',
  options: {
    pieceModuleName: 'person'
  // Maybe there's code here to group people by team.
  // ...


If set to true, Apostrophe will include the previous piece, based on the sort option, on when serving a show page. This is useful to add links to a show page directing visitors to the previous item in a series (e.g., the next newest blog post). If not set, will not be available.

previous can also be set to an object, which will be used as a query builder for retrieving that next piece document.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-page-type',
  options: {
    previous: true
  // ...

// OR

module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/piece-page-type',
  options: {
    // The previous article piece would be returned with only the `title`,
    // `_url`, and `publishedAt` properties.
    previous: {
      project: {
        title: 1,
        _url: 1,
        publishedAt: 1
  // ...

Options for widget modules

Option settings in this section apply to all widgets (modules that extend @apostrophecms/widget-type).

OptionValue typeDescription
classNameStringApplies a class to core widget templates.
iconStringSelect an available icon to include with the label in area menus.
labelStringThe human-readable label for the widget type.


Official Apostrophe widget templates support adding an html class from the className module option. The class is applied to the outer, wrapping HTML element in the widget template for easy styling.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    className: 'c-image-widget'
  // ...


Identify an icon to be used with a widget label in the area menu with the icon option. That icon must be included in the list of globally available UI icons or configured on the module in its icons section. See the module settings reference for how to make new icons available.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/widget-type',
  options: {
    icon: 'pillar'
  icons: {
    pillar: 'Pillar'
  // ...

'Area menu with icons next to widget labels'

label (for widgets)

label should be set to a text string to be used in the area menu. If not set, Apostrophe will convert the module name meta property to a readable label by removing -widget from the end, splitting the name on dashes and underscores, and capitalizing the first letter of each word.


module.exports = {
  extend: '@apostrophecms/widget-type',
  options: {
    label: 'Two Column Layout'
  // ...

Options for the core rich text widget

Option settings in this section apply to the core rich text widget module (@apostrophecms/rich-text-widget).

OptionValue typeDescription
defaultDataObjectDefine initial default data for rich text content.
defaultOptionsObjectConfigure the rich text toolbar and styles for rich text widgets.
editorToolsObjectConfigure rich text tools and their Vue components.


Rich text widgets can start with default content by setting defaultData to an object with a content property. That value would be a string of text or HTML that all rich text widgets would include when added.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    defaultData: {
      content: '<p>Replace me</p>'
  // ...


The rich text widget is configured by default with useful rich text toolbar settings and styles. These can be overridden by setting defaultOptions. This configuration object can include any of the toolbar, styles, and color sub-options. Sub-options that are not included will fall back to the defaults.

defaultOptions can also be overridden in schema configuration where an area configures its rich text widgets. So a project can have site-wide defaults, but a specific area can have its own separate configuration.


module.exports = {
  options: {
    defaultOptions: {
      toolbar: [
      styles: [],
      color: {
        presetColors: [ '#000000', '#ffffff', '#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff'],
  // ...


The rich text editor toolbar tools (e.g., "bold," "link," and "underline" buttons) can be reconfigured to have different labels (seen by assistive technologies), different icons, or even new Vue components altogether. editorTools can be completely overridden to do this if desired.


Using this option takes full responsibility for the configuration of the rich text editor tools. Use this with caution. If overriding, be sure to include all rich text tools that you will use.

If introducing an editor tool that is not included in core, you will need to create both the Vue component and, often, a tiptap extension.

module.exports = {
  options: {
    editorTools: {
      styles: {
        component: 'MyTiptapStyles',
        label: 'Styles'
      '|': { component: 'MyTiptapDivider' },
      bold: {
        component: 'MyTiptapButton',
        label: 'Bold',
        icon: 'format-bold-icon'
      italic: {
        component: 'MyTiptapButton',
        label: 'Italic',
        icon: 'format-italic-icon'
      // Many more tools...
  // ...