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An object field has its own field schema and allows the user to populate a sub-object containing the fields in that schema. The overall field is stored in the database as a sub-object. If you want support for one or more sub-objects, use an array field instead.

object fields provide a sense of visual hierarchy to distinguish their subfields from other fields when editing, as well as a sub-object to provide clear structure for developers. If you find yourself creating fields named addressStreet, addressCity, etc. it is usually a better idea to create an address field of type object with sub-fields named street, city and so on.

Module field definition

// Configuring the `contactInfo` object field in a module's `fields.add` subsection:
contactInfo: {
  label: 'Address',
  type: 'object',
  fields: {
    add: {
      street: {
        type: 'string',
        label: 'Street'
      city: {
        type: 'string',
        label: 'City'
      state: {
        type: 'string',
        label: 'State'



labelStringn/aSets the visible label for the field in the UI
typeStringn/aSpecifies the field type (object for this type)
fieldsObjectn/aThe field schema for the array items. See below.


defObjectn/aThe default value for the field. It must comply with the fields schema.
helpStringn/aHelp text for the content editor
htmlHelpStringn/aHelp text with support for HTML markup
ifObject{}Conditions to meet before the field is active. See the guide for details.
requiredIfObject{}Conditions to meet before the field is required. See the guide for details.
hiddenBooleanfalseIf true, the field is hidden
readOnlyBooleanfalseIf true, prevents the user from editing the field value

Configuring the array field schema

object field schemas are generally configured the same way as the module's overall field schema is configured. The module's schema is configured in its fields section's add subsection. Similarly, array field schema are configured in a fields property, using its add subproperty to configure the actual fields. Both use the field names as keys in the add object. Both can contain all field types, including nested object fields.

Object schema configuration differs from module schema configuration in that object schemas do not use group or remove settings.

Use in templates

You can access the fields of the object as sub-properties.

{% set address = data.piece.address %}
{{ address.street }}<br />
{{ }}, {{ address.state }}