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Page type REST API

All page types use a single set of API endpoints, unlike piece types.


Authentication is required for all REST API requests.

REST endpoints

GET/api/v1/@apostrophecms/pageFetch the home page and all other pages structured in the home page's _children property
GET/api/v1/@apostrophecms/page/:_idFetch a single page with a specified ID
POST/api/v1/@apostrophecms/pageInsert a new page
PUT/api/v1/@apostrophecms/page/:_idFully replace a specific page database document
PATCH/api/v1/@apostrophecms/page/:_idUpdate only certain fields on a specific page
DELETE/api/v1/@apostrophecms/page/:_idPermanently deletes a page document

Additional page endpoints

GET/:_url?aposRefresh=1Get a page's rendered content
POST/api/v1/@apostrophecms/page/:_id/publishPublish the draft version of a page

GET /api/v1/@apostrophecms/page

Query parameters

all?all=1Set to 1 to include the entire page tree, regardless of depth
flat?flat=1Set to 1 to return page results in an flat array instead of the page tree structure
children?children=falseSet to false to exclude the _children array`
aposMode?aposMode=draftSet to draft to request the draft version of page documents instead of the current published versions. Set to published or leave it off to get the published version. Authentication is required to get drafts.
aposLocale?aposLocale=frSet to a valid locale to request page document versions for that locale. Defaults to the default locale.

Request example

// Request inside an async function.
const response = await fetch('', {
  method: 'GET'
const document = await response.json();

Page tree response (default)

Pages' relationship to one another is a critical feature. For that reason, by default the GET request for multiple pages returns the home page as a JSON object, including a _children array property. That array contains the "top level" pages.

    "_id": "ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w",
    "orphan": false,
    "visibility": "public",
    "type": "@apostrophecms/home-page",
    "title": "Home Page",
    "slug": "/",
    "parkedId": "home",
    "rank": 0,
    "level": 0,
    // ... additional properties
    "_url": "http://localhost:3000/",
    "_ancestors": [],
    // Child pages 👇
    "_children": [
            "_id": "ckhfen8ls0005mq9k8p9izkjt",
            "visibility": "public",
            "orphan": false,
            "type": "article-page",
            "title": "Blog",
            "slug": "/blog",
            // ...
            "_url": "http://localhost:3000/blog",
            "_children": []
            "_id": "ckhurshqd00088v9k6pfnqpjz",
            "visibility": "public",
            "orphan": false,
            "type": "default-page",
            "title": "About us",
            "slug": "/about-us",
            // ...
            "_url": "http://localhost:3000/about-us",
            "_children": []

Flat array response

resultsArrayAn array of page documents

Individual page objects will include _children and _ancestor arrays, as well as the rank and level properties to indicate position in the page tree.

  "results": [
      "_id": "ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w",
      "orphan": false,
      "visibility": "public",
      "type": "@apostrophecms/home-page",
      "title": "Home Pager",
      "slug": "/",
      "rank": 0,
      "level": 0,
      "path": "ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w",
      // ...
      "_url": "http://localhost:3000/",
      "_ancestors": [],
      "_children": [
      "_id": "ckhfen8ls0005mq9k8p9izkjt",
      "visibility": "public",
      "type": "article-page",
      "title": "Blog",
      "slug": "/blog",
      "rank": 0,
      "path": "ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w/ckhfen8ls0005mq9k8p9izkjt",
      "level": 1,
      // ...
      "_url": "http://localhost:3000/blog",
      "_children": []
      "_id": "ckhurshqd00088v9k6pfnqpjz",
      "visibility": "public",
      "type": "default-page",
      "title": "About us",
      "slug": "/about-us",
      "rank": 1,
      "path": "ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w/ckhurshqd00088v9k6pfnqpjz",
      "level": 1,
      // ...
      "_url": "http://localhost:3000/about-us",
      "_children": [
      "_id": "ckiz0pmsg006gdr9ker7e99yt",
      "visibility": "public",
      "type": "default-page",
      "title": "Our history",
      "slug": "/about-us/our-history",
      "rank": 0,
      "path": "ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w/ckhurshqd00088v9k6pfnqpjz/ckiz0pmsg006gdr9ker7e99yt",
      "level": 2,
      // ...
      "_url": "http://localhost:3000/about-us/our-history",
      "_children": []
      "_id": "ckiz0pyym0070dr9kv8hzm7y0",
      "visibility": "public",
      "type": "default-page",
      "title": "Leadership and staff",
      "slug": "/about-us/leadership-and-staff",
      "rank": 1,
      "path": "ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w/ckhurshqd00088v9k6pfnqpjz/ckiz0pyym0070dr9kv8hzm7y0",
      "level": 2,
      // ...
      "_url": "http://localhost:3000/about-us/leadership-and-staff",
      "_children": []
      "_id": "ckhdscx6000084z9k56lybljw",
      "visibility": "public",
      "type": "@apostrophecms/archive-page",
      "title": "Archive",
      "slug": "/archive",
      // ...
      "rank": 3,
      "path": "ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w/ckhdscx6000084z9k56lybljw",
      "level": 1,
      "_children": []

GET /api/v1/@apostrophecms/page/:_id

Query parameters

aposMode?aposMode=draftSet to draft or published to request a specific mode version of the page. Authentication is required to get drafts.
aposLocale?aposLocale=frSet to a valid locale to request the page document version for that locale.
render-areas?render-areas=trueReplaces area items data with a _rendered property set to a string of HTML based on widget templates.


Query parameters will override the locale and mode present in the _id. So, if the aposLocale=es parameter is supplied, a GET request to the _id ###:en:published will return the Spanish, not English, locale. You can also elect to use the aposDocId instead of the _id and use the query parameters to pass in the locale and mode parameters found in the _id.

Request example

// Request inside an async function.
const response = await fetch('', {
  method: 'GET'
const document = await response.json();


The successful GET request returns the matching document. See the page document response example below for a sample response body. In case of an error an appropriate HTTP status code is returned.

POST /api/v1/@apostrophecms/page

Required properties

_targetIdStringThe _id of an existing page to use as a target when inserting the new page. _home and _archive are optional conveniences for the home page and archived section, respectively.
_positionString, NumberA numeric value will represent the zero-based child index under the _targetId page. before, after, firstChild, or lastChild values set the position within the page tree for the new page in relation to the target page (see _targetId). before and after insert the new page as a sibling of the target. firstChild and lastChild insert the new page as a child of the target.

The _position property uses specific string values rather than index numbers to better support the draft review workflow.

Query parameters

aposMode?aposMode=draftSet to draft to insert a page as a draft instead of immediately published. Set to published or leave it off to insert a published page.
aposLocale?aposLocale=frSet to a valid locale to request page document versions for that locale. Defaults to the default locale.

Request example

// Object with, at a minimum, properties for each required piece field.
const data = {
  title: 'My great new article',
  // Content properties, e.g., `category`, `mainContent`
  _targetId: 'ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w',
  _position: 'firstChild'
// Request inside an async function.
const response = await fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  body: JSON.stringify(data)
const document = await response.json();


The successful POST request returns the newly created document. See the page document response example below for a sample response body. In case of an error an appropriate HTTP status code is returned.

Duplicating existing pages

The optional _copyingId property may be added to the body of the request, e.g. included in the data object shown above. If this property contains the _id of an existing page, the properties of that page will be applied first as defaults, and then overridden by any properties present in the body.

In addition, this value becomes the copyOfId property of the new page. beforeInsert handlers at the application level can access this property to duplicate additional application-specific resources as needed.

PUT /api/v1/@apostrophecms/page/:_id

Required properties

_targetIdStringThe _id of an existing page to use as a target when inserting the new page
_positionStringbefore, after, firstChild, or lastChild. This sets the position within the page tree for the new page in relation to the target page (see _targetId). before and after insert the new page as a sibling of the target. firstChild and lastChild insert the new page as a child of the target.

The _position property uses specific string values rather than index numbers to better support the draft review workflow.

Query parameters

aposMode?aposMode=draftSet to draft or published to replace a specific mode version of the page.
aposLocale?aposLocale=frSet to a valid locale to replace the page document version for that locale.
render-areas?render-areas=trueReplaces area items data with a _rendered property set to a string of HTML based on widget templates.

Request example

// Object with, at a minimum, properties for each required piece field.
const data = {
  title: 'My great new article',
  // Content properties, e.g., `category`, `mainContent`
  _targetId: 'ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w',
  _position: 'lastChild'
// Request inside an async function.
const response = await fetch('', {
  method: 'PUT',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  body: JSON.stringify(data)
const document = await response.json();


The successful PUT request returns the newly created document. See the page document response example below for a sample response body. In case of an error an appropriate HTTP status code is returned.

PATCH /api/v1/@apostrophecms/page/:_id

Query parameters

aposMode?aposMode=draftSet to draft or published to update a specific mode version of the page.
aposLocale?aposLocale=frSet to a valid locale to update the page document version for that locale.

If moving a page within the page tree, the PATCHrequest must include both _targetId and _position as described in the POST request description.

If a PATCH operation is attempted in the published mode, the changes in the patch are applied to both the draft and the current document, but properties of the draft not mentioned in the patch are not published. This is to prevent unexpected outcomes.

Request example

// Object with *only* the document fields to overwrite.
// This example only changes the page's title to "Organization history."
const data = {
  title: 'Organization history'
// Request inside an async function.
const response = await fetch('', {
  method: 'PATCH',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  body: JSON.stringify(data)
const document = await response.json();

MongoDB-style requests

The PATCH request body may use MongoDB-style operators. For example, you may use dot or "at" notation to update a nested property:

  // Via "dot notation"
  "description.items.0.content": "<p>Update only the rich text.</p>",
  // Same thing via "@ notation," which finds the nested item with that _id
  "@ckgwegpfw00033h5xqlfb74nk.content": "<p>Update only the rich text.</p>"


The successful PATCH request returns the complete patched document. See the page document response example below for a sample response body. In case of an error an appropriate HTTP status code is returned.

Moving pages to the archive

The archive is part of the overall page tree in order to maintain the nesting structure. As such, there is not only a simple archived property to set true. Instead, set _targetId to _archive and _position to lastChild (or another position within the archive). You may similarly move pages out of the archive by moving them to a position relative to another page that is not in the archive.

DELETE /api/v1/@apostrophecms/page/:_id

Authentication required.

This API route Permanently deletes the page database document. Moving pieces to the archive in the Apostrophe user interface or using a PATCH request do not permanently delete database documents and should be considered.

DELETE requests will be rejected if:

  • the _id matches the draft mode of a page that has an existing published mode document
  • the _id matches the home page (slug: '/')
  • the _id matches a page that has sub-pages, or "children," in the page tree structure. You must delete child pages first

Query parameters

aposMode?aposMode=draftSet to draft or published to delete a specific mode version of the piece.
aposLocale?aposLocale=frSet to a valid locale to delete the piece document version for that locale.

Request example

// Request inside an async function.
await fetch('', {
  method: 'DELETE'


The successful DELETE request simply responds with a 200 HTTP response status code. In case of an error an appropriate HTTP status code is returned. If the error is due to one of the rejection cases documented above, a message will be included to that effect, such as:

  "name": "invalid",
  "data": {},
  "message": "You must delete the children of this page first."

GET /:_url?aposRefresh=1

Including the aposRefresh=1 query parameter value on an Apostrophe page URL returns the rendered HTML from the refreshLayout.html template, which excludes the wrapping markup from the outerLayoutBase.html template file outside of the [data-apos-refreshable] element. Apostrophe UI uses this parameter to refresh content during editing.

Authentication is not required for this API route if :_url is a public URL.

We do not recommend making edits to refreshLayout.html for the sake of API requests as this template is critical to normal content editing.

Specifically, the Nunjucks template blocks included in this rendered markup by default include:

  • the beforeMain, mainAnchor, main , afterMain template blocks

The most critical element that is excluded is the head tag, with all of its stylesheet and script tags.

Request example

// Request inside an async function.
const response = await fetch('', {
  method: 'GET'
const document = await response.text();


Returns the a string of rendered HTML for the requested page.

POST /api/v1/@apostrophecms/page/:_id/publish

Publish an existing draft mode document in a document set.

The :_id segement of the route should be one of the following:

  • The _id property of the draft page document to be published
  • The _id property of the published page document to be replaced by the current draft version
  • The aposDocId property of the pages in the document set

The body of the request is ignored.

Query parameters

aposLocale?aposLocale=frIdentify a valid locale to publish the draft for that locale. Defaults to the locale of the _id in the request or the default locale.

Request example

// Request inside an async function.
const response = await fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
const document = await response.json();


The successful POST request returns the newly published document. See the page document response example below for a sample response body. In case of an error an appropriate HTTP status code is returned.

Page document response example

Common properties

_ancestorsArrayAn array of _id strings for the page's ancestors in the page tree
_childrenArrayAn array of _id strings for the page's children in the page tree
_idStringA unique and permanent ID for the document
_urlStringThe page's URL, including the domain if a baseUrl is set on the site
createdAtDateAn ISO date string of the document's creation date and time
historicUrlsArrayAn array of former _url values for the page. These will redirect to the page. URLs will be removed as other pages claim them.
levelNumberThe page tree tier for the page. The home page is 0, its children are 1, and so on.
orphanBooleantrue if the page has been configured to not be included in standard _children properties (usually to exclude from navigation)
pathStringA string of page _id values, separated by forward slashes (/), representing the page's ancestor path
slugStringA unique, but changeable, identifier for the page
rankNumberThe order in which the page appears in the page tree under its parent. The first child page among its siblings will be 0.
titleStringThe entered title, or name, of the document
archivedBooleanWhether the document is archived
typeStringThe piece type name
updatedAtDateAn ISO date string of the document's last update date and time
visibilityStringThe visibility setting, controlling public availability
Content propertiesVariableAdditional properties specific to the piece type and its fields

TODO: Link to examples of each field's response format.


    "_id": "ckhurshqd00088v9k6pfnqpjz",
    "visibility": "public",
    "orphan": false,
    "type": "default-page",
    "title": "About us",
    "slug": "/about-us",
    "rank": 1,
    "path": "ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w/ckhurshqd00088v9k6pfnqpjz",
    "level": 1,
    "metaType": "doc",
    "createdAt": "2020-11-23T16:34:05.894Z",
    "archived": false,
    "titleSortified": "about us",
    "updatedAt": "2020-12-21T20:34:02.636Z",
    "historicUrls": [
    "intro": {
        "metaType": "area",
        "_id": "ckhurshsn000b8v9kxhnnsrof",
        "items": [],
        "_edit": true,
        "_docId": "ckhurshqd00088v9k6pfnqpjz"
    "main": {
        "_id": "ckhuu2q2w00012a69tk7hw9m6",
        "items": [
                "_id": "ckiz0oqln000i2a68sr1liirc",
                "metaType": "widget",
                "type": "@apostrophecms/rich-text",
                "content": "<p>Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.</p><p><br /></p>",
                "_edit": true,
                "_docId": "ckhurshqd00088v9k6pfnqpjz"
        "metaType": "area",
        "_edit": true,
        "_docId": "ckhurshqd00088v9k6pfnqpjz"
    "updatedBy": {
        "_id": "ckhdsd0hk0003509kchzbdl83",
        "firstName": "Super",
        "lastName": "Admin",
        "username": "admin"
    "_edit": true,
    "_url": "",
    "_ancestors": [
            "_id": "ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w",
            "orphan": false,
            "visibility": "public",
            "type": "@apostrophecms/home-page",
            "title": "Home Pager",
            "slug": "/",
            "parkedId": "home",
            "parked": [
            "rank": 0,
            "level": 0,
            "path": "ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w",
            "metaType": "doc",
            "createdAt": "2020-11-11T19:17:53.998Z",
            "archived": false,
            "titleSortified": "home pager",
            "updatedAt": "2020-12-21T20:37:56.066Z",
            "historicUrls": [
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                "items": [
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                        "metaType": "widget",
                        "type": "@apostrophecms/rich-text",
                        "content": "<p>Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Fusce dapidbus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.asdf</p><p>Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Donec ullamcorpesadfasdfr nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.</p>"
                "metaType": "area"
            "published": true,
            "updatedBy": {
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                "firstName": "Super",
                "lastName": "Admin",
                "username": "admin"
            "_edit": true,
            "_url": ""
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            "visibility": "public",
            "orphan": false,
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            "slug": "/about-us/our-history",
            "rank": 0,
            "path": "ckhdscx5900054z9k88uqs16w/ckhurshqd00088v9k6pfnqpjz/ckiz0pmsg006gdr9ker7e99yt",
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            "updatedBy": {
                "_id": "ckhdsd0hk0003509kchzbdl83",
                "firstName": "Super",
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                "username": "admin"

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